This is one Software Engineer’s writings on .NET and C# technology. Please find articles on various programming topics related to design patterns, events, garbage-collector, and other topics.
Overview of new changes to EF8 – support for Row SQL returning Non-entities.
Tutorial on “Function closures” in C# language
Showing problems with limited accuracy of SqlServer data type “datetime” in .NET7 EF7 environment
In Visual Studio 2022, ver. 17.6.2, Entity Framework 6 (Classic) is broken, adding new DB tables does not work.
Tutorial on EF7 – Code First approach using Command Line (CLI)
Tutorial on EF7 – Database First approach using GUI tools EFCorePowerTools
Tutorial on EF7 – Database First approach using Command Line (CLI)
We are giving an overview of 5 free .NET Decompilers
Beginner’s tutorial on C#11 Records with examples
We discuss some issues related to Immutable Object and “defense copy”
Beginner’s tutorial on Immutable Object Pattern with examples
Beginner’s tutorial on Value Object (VO) Patten and Data Transfer Object (DTO) Pattern with examples
We explain how to debug the generic Exception "Failed to enable constraints.”
Beginner’s tutorial on Service Locator Pattern with examples
We explain DI Pattern, DIP, IoC, DI Container
In this article, we build a practical reusable Logging Proxy in C#.
Article discussing problems with Garbage Collector and possible alternative solutions.
Tutorial article on Asynchronous Events invocation in C#.
Tutorial article on Observer pattern in C#.
Tutorial on Decorator Pattern in C#, showing 3 versions in C#.
Discussion on the proper method to check for null-value and raise Event in C#
Tutorial article on Fluent Interface Pattern in C#.
Tutorial article describing Visitor Pattern in C#